JUMP TOINTRODUCTIONWelcomeOpenAPI definitionAuthRetrieve an OAuth2 Access token.postAuthorize an app to access Adfin data on behalf of a Adfin user.postGet the authorization details for an appgetDirectDebitMandateCancel a direct debit mandate by its idputRetrieve the direct debit mandates for a customergetRetrieve a direct debit mandate by its idgetAPI used to create a direct debit mandateputWebhookCreate a new webhookpostUpdate an existing webhookputCreate or replace the secret key for webhooks signatureputCreate or replace the authentication type and details for the webhook target URLsputRetrieve a webhook by idgetRetrieve configured webhooks for an application identifiergetDelete an existing webhookdeleteSchedulesFetch invoice schedules by the invoice unique identifier (ID) and other filters getCreate a new Schedule object for a specific customer.putFetch the workflow related settings for the current authenticated biller or customergetCreate or update the workflow related settings.putFetch a schedule template using its unique identifier (ID)getCreate a new Schedule Template for recurring events.postFetch a schedule using its unique identifier (ID)getFetch a schedule template using its unique identifier (ID)getDelete a workflow templatedeleteInvoicesVoid an invoiceputManually marks an invoice as paid (when paid outside Adfin)putActivate an invoice (send it for one time or direct debit collection)putRetrieve the list of Invoices for a given filtergetCreate an InvoicepostGet an Invoice by its idgetDelete an invoicedeleteGet the file for a specific InvoicegetCustomersRetrieve the list of Customers for a given filtergetUpdate a customerputCreate a customerpostRetrieve a Customer by its IDgetDelete a customerdeletePowered by Delete an existing webhookdelete http://staging.adfin.com/api/apps/{clientId}/webhooks/{webhookId}