Manage webhooks

These endpoints allow developers to manage webhook subscriptions, updates, and retrieval efficiently on the Adfin platform.

1. Update an existing webhook

PUT /apps/{client_id}/webhooks/{webhookId}

Request payload:

    "url": "https://your-platform/adfin/payment/status",
    "events": ["payment"],
    "name": "webhook name",
    "description": "webhook description",
    "enabled": false

Success response (200 OK):

  "id": "29f6b7ea-94ed-4c3c-9655-b736216c798f",
  "url": "https://your-platform/adfin/payment/status",
  "events": ["payment"],
  "name": "webhook name",
  "description": "webhook description",
  "enabled": false

2. Delete a webhook

DELETE /apps/{client_id}/webhooks/{id}

3. Get webhook by id

GET /apps/{client_id}/webhooks/{id}

4. Get webhooks by clientId

GET /apps/{client_id}/webhooks

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